XSL functions XSL
&reftitle.intro; &warn.experimental; The XSL extension implements the XSL standard, performing XSLT transformations using the libxslt library
&reftitle.required; This extension uses libxslt which can be found at &url.libxslt;. libxslt version 1.0.18 or greater is required.
&reftitle.examples; In this small tutorial we will learn how to transform an XML document into HTML. A simple XSL tree Hey! Welcome to my sweet CD collection!



Corresponding XML tree PHP Rock Joe Coder 2003 Squashing Typos on a Winter's Eve kennyt 2004 ]]> Making XML into HTML The following PHP code uses the XML and XSL extensions to transform XML into presentable HTML. load('example.xml'); $xsl = new DomDocument; $xsl->load('example.xsl'); /* Configure the transformer */ $proc = new xsltprocessor; $proc->importStyleSheet($xsl); // attach the xsl rules echo $proc->transformToXML($xml); // actual transformation ?> ]]> This should produce an HTML fragment similar to the following: PHP Rock

by Joe Coder

- 2003

Squashing Typos on a Winter's Eve

by kennyt

- 2004
