php_strip_whitespace Return source with stripped comments and whitespace &reftitle.description; stringphp_strip_whitespace stringfilename Returns the PHP source code in filename with PHP comments and whitespace removed. This may be useful for determining the amount of actual code in your scripts compared with the amount of comments. This is similar to using php -w from the commandline. &reftitle.parameters; filename Path to the PHP file. &reftitle.returnvalues; The stripped source code will be returned on success, or an empty string on failure. This function respects the value of the short_open_tag ini directive. This function works as described as of PHP 5.0.1. Before this it would only return an empty string. For more information on this bug and its prior behavior, see bug report #29606. &reftitle.examples; <function>php_strip_whitespace</function> example ]]> &example.outputs; ]]> Notice the PHP comments are gone, as are the whitespace and newline after the first echo statement.