mailparse functions mailparse functions &warn.experimental; mailparse_uudecode_all Scans the data from fp and extract each embedded uuencoded file. Returns an array listing filename information Description array mailparse_uudecode_all resource fp &warn.experimental.func; &warn.undocumented.func; mailparse_rfc822_parse_addresses Parse addresses and returns a hash containing that data Description array mailparse_rfc822_parse_addresses string addresses &warn.experimental.func; &warn.undocumented.func; mailparse_determine_best_xfer_encoding Figures out the best way of encoding the content read from the file pointer fp, which must be seek-able Description int mailparse_determine_best_xfer_encoding resource fp &warn.experimental.func; &warn.undocumented.func; mailparse_stream_encode Streams data from source file pointer, apply encoding and write to destfp Description bool mailparse_stream_encode resource sourcefp resource destfp string encoding &warn.experimental.func; &warn.undocumented.func; mailparse_msg_parse Incrementally parse data into buffer Description void mailparse_msg_parse resource rfc2045buf string data &warn.experimental.func; &warn.undocumented.func; mailparse_msg_parse_file Parse file and return a resource representing the structure Description resource mailparse_msg_parse_file string filename &warn.experimental.func; &warn.undocumented.func; mailparse_msg_free Frees a handle allocated by mailparse_msg_crea Description void mailparse_msg_free resource rfc2045buf &warn.experimental.func; &warn.undocumented.func; mailparse_msg_create Returns a handle that can be used to parse a message Description int mailparse_msg_create &warn.experimental.func; &warn.undocumented.func; mailparse_msg_get_structure Returns an array of mime section names in the supplied message Description array mailparse_msg_get_structure resource rfc2045 &warn.experimental.func; &warn.undocumented.func; mailparse_msg_extract_part Extracts/decodes a message section. If callbackfunc is not specified, the contents will be sent to "stdout" Description void mailparse_msg_extract_part resource rfc2045 string msgbody string callbackfunc &warn.experimental.func; &warn.undocumented.func; mailparse_msg_extract_part_file Extracts/decodes a message section, decoding the transfer encoding Description string mailparse_msg_extract_part_file resource rfc2045 string filename string callbackfunc &warn.experimental.func; &warn.undocumented.func; mailparse_msg_get_part_data Returns an associative array of info about the message Description array mailparse_msg_get_part_data resource rfc2045 &warn.experimental.func; &warn.undocumented.func; mailparse_msg_get_part Returns a handle on a given section in a mimemessage Description int mailparse_msg_get_part resource rfc2045 string mimesection &warn.experimental.func; &warn.undocumented.func;