maxdb_select_db maxdb->select_db Selects the default database for database queries Description boolmaxdb_select_db resourcelink stringdbname The maxdb_select_db function selects the default database (specified by the dbname parameter) to be used when performing queries against the database connection represented by the link parameter. This function should only be used to change the default database for the connection. You can select the default database with 4th parameter in maxdb_connect. Return values &return.success; See also maxdb_connect maxdb_real_connect Example Object oriented style query("SELECT SERVERDB FROM USERS WHERE USERNAME='MONA'")) { $row = $result->fetch_row(); printf("Default database is %s.\n", $row[0]); $result->close(); } /* change db to non existing db */ $maxdb->select_db("XXXXXXXX"); /* return name of current default database */ if ($result = $maxdb->query("SELECT SERVERDB FROM USERS WHERE USERNAME='MONA'")) { $row = $result->fetch_row(); printf("Default database is %s.\n", $row[0]); $result->close(); } $maxdb->close(); ?> ]]> Procedural style ]]> The above examples would produce the following output: . Warning: maxdb_select_db(): -10709 Connection failed (RTE:database not running) <...> Warning: maxdb_query(): -10821 Session not connected [] <...> Warning: maxdb_close(): -10821 Session not connected [] <...> ]]>