hw_api->object Retrieve attribute information Description objecthw_api->object arrayparameter This function retrieves the attribute information of an object of any version. It will not return the document content. The parameter array contains the required elements 'objectIdentifier' and the optional elements 'attributeSelector' and 'version'. The returned object is an instance of class HW_API_Object on success or HW_API_Error if an error occured. This simple example retrieves an object and checks for errors. Retrieve an object reason(0); echo "Type: "; switch($reason->type()) { case 0: echo "Error"; break; case 1: echo "Warning"; break; case 2: echo "Message"; break; } echo "
\n"; echo "Description: ".$reason->description("en")."
\n"; } function list_attr($obj) { echo "\n"; $count = $obj->count(); for($i=0; $i<$count; $i++) { $attr = $obj->attribute($i); printf(" \n", $attr->key(), $attr->value()); } echo "
\n"; } $hwapi = hwapi_hgcsp($g_config[HOSTNAME]); $parms = array("objectIdentifier"=>"rootcollection, "attributeSelector"=>array("Title", "Name", "DocumentType")); $root = $hwapi->object($parms); if(get_class($root) == "HW_API_Error") { handle_error($root); exit; } list_attr($root); ?> ]]>
See also hwapi_content.