svn_commit Sends changes from the local working copy to the repository &reftitle.description; arraysvn_commit stringlog arraytargets boolrecursivetrue Commits changes made in the local working copy files enumerated in the targets array to the repository, with the log message log. Directories in the targets array will be recursively committed unless recursive is set to false. This function does not have any parameters for specifying authentication, so a username and password must be set using svn_auth_set_parameter &reftitle.parameters; log String log text to commit targets Array of local paths of files to be committed This parameter must be an array, a string for a single target is not acceptable. &svn.relativepath; recursive Boolean flag to disable recursive committing of directories in the targets array. Default is &true;. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns array in form of: integer revision number of commit 1 => string ISO 8601 date and time of commit 2 => name of committer ) ]]> Returns &false; on failure. &reftitle.notes; &warn.experimental.func; &reftitle.examples; Basic example This example commits the calculator directory to a repository, using the username Bob and the password abc123 (hopefully, his password is stronger): ]]> &example.outputs; 1415, 1 => '2007-05-26T01:44:28.453125Z', 2 => 'Bob' ) ]]> &reftitle.seealso; svn_auth_set_parameter SVN documentation on svn commit