Convert all applicable characters to HTML entities
This function is identical to
htmlspecialchars in all ways, except that
all characters which have HTML character entity equivalents are
translated into these entities. Like
htmlspecialchars, it takes an optional
second argument which indicates what should be done with single
and double quotes. ENT_COMPAT (the default)
will only convert double-quotes and leave single-quotes alone.
ENT_QUOTES will convert both double and
single quotes, and ENT_NOQUOTES will leave
both double and single quotes unconverted.
At present, the ISO-8859-1 character set is used as default.
Support for the optional second argument was added in PHP 3.0.17 and PHP
Like htmlspecialchars, it takes an optional
third argument which defines character set used in conversion.
Support for this argument was added in PHP 4.1.0.
There is no reverse of this function. However, you can create one on your
own. Here is an example of how to do this.
Reverse of htmlentities
See also get_html_translation_table,
htmlspecialchars and nl2br.