is_numeric Finds whether a variable is a number or a numeric string &reftitle.description; boolis_numeric mixedvar Finds whether the given variable is numeric. Numeric strings consist of optional sign, any number of digits, optional decimal part and optional exponential part. Thus +0123.45e6 is a valid numeric value. Hexadecimal (e.g. 0xf4c3b00c) and binary (e.g. 0b10100111001) notation is not allowed. &reftitle.parameters; var The variable being evaluated. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns &true; if var is a number or a numeric string, &false; otherwise. &reftitle.examples; <function>is_numeric</function> examples ]]> &example.outputs; &reftitle.changelog; &Version; &Description; 7.0.0 Strings in hexadecimal (e.g. 0xf4c3b00c) notation are no longer regarded as numeric strings, i.e. is_numeric returns &false; now. &reftitle.seealso; ctype_digit is_bool is_null is_float is_int is_string is_object is_array