&reftitle.constants; &extension.constants; Other The plugins version number can be obtained using MYSQLND_MUX_VERSION or MYSQLND_MUX_VERSION_ID. MYSQLND_MUX_VERSION is the string representation of the numerical version number MYSQLND_MUX_VERSION_ID, which is an integer such as 10000. Developers can calculate the version number as follows. Version (part) Example Major*10000 1*10000 = 10000 Minor*100 0*100 = 0 Patch 0 = 0 MYSQLND_MUX_VERSION_ID 10000 MYSQLND_MUX_VERSION (string) Plugin version string, for example, 1.0.0-prototype. MYSQLND_MUX_VERSION_ID (integer) Plugin version number, for example, 10000.