curl_multi_info_read Get information about the current transfers &reftitle.description; arraycurl_multi_info_read resourcemh intmsgs_in_queueNULL Ask the multi handle if there are any messages or information from the individual transfers. Messages may include information such as an error code from the transfer or just the fact that a transfer is completed. Repeated calls to this function will return a new result each time, until a &false; is returned as a signal that there is no more to get at this point. The integer pointed to with msgs_in_queue will contain the number of remaining messages after this function was called. The data the returned resource points to will not survive calling curl_multi_remove_handle. &reftitle.parameters; &; msgs_in_queue Number of messages that are still in the queue &reftitle.returnvalues; On success, returns an associative array for the message, &false; on failure. &reftitle.changelog; &Version; &Description; 5.2.0 msgs_in_queue was added. &reftitle.seealso; curl_multi_init