mysqlnd_qc_set_cache_conditionSet conditions for automatic caching
Sets a condition for automatic caching of statements which do not contain
the necessary SQL hints to enable caching of them.
Type of the condition. The only allowed value is
Parameter for the condition set with condition_type.
Parameter type and structure depend on condition_type
If condition_type equals
MYSQLND_QC_CONDITION_META_SCHEMA_PATTERNcondition must be a string. The string sets a pattern.
Statements are cached if table and database meta data entry of their result sets
match the pattern. The pattern is checked for a match with the
db and org_table meta data entries
provided by the underlying MySQL client server library. Please, check
the MySQL Reference manual for details about the two entries. The
db and org_table values are
concatenated with a dot (.) before matched
against condition. Pattern matching supports
the wildcards % and _.
The wildcard % will match one or many arbitrary
characters. _ will match one arbitrary character.
The escape symbol is backslash.
Option for condition. Type and structure depend
on condition_type.
If condition_type equals
MYSQLND_QC_CONDITION_META_SCHEMA_PATTERNcondition_options is the TTL to be used.
mysqlnd_qc_set_cache_condition example
query("SELECT id, title FROM news");
$pdo_mysql = new PDO("mysql:host=host;dbname=db_example;port=port", "user", "password");
/* not cached: no SQL hint, no pattern match */
$pdo_mysql->query("SELECT id, title FROM latest_news");
/* cached: TTL 1 second, pattern match */
$pdo_mysql->query("SELECT id, title FROM news");
Returns TRUE on success or FALSE on FAILURE.
Quickstart: pattern based caching