maxdb_field_tell maxdb_result->current_field Get current field offset of a result pointer &reftitle.description; &style.procedural; intmaxdb_field_tell resourceresult &style.oop; maxdb_result intcurrent_field Returns the position of the field cursor used for the last maxdb_fetch_field call. This value can be used as an argument to maxdb_field_seek. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns current offset of field cursor. &reftitle.examples; Object oriented style query($query)) { /* Get field information for all columns */ while ($finfo = $result->fetch_field()) { /* get fieldpointer offset */ $currentfield = $result->current_field; printf("Column %d:\n", $currentfield); printf("Name: %s\n", $finfo->name); printf("Table: %s\n", $finfo->table); printf("max. Len: %d\n", $finfo->max_length); printf("Flags: %d\n", $finfo->flags); printf("Type: %d\n\n", $finfo->type); } $result->close(); } /* close connection */ $maxdb->close(); ?> ]]> Procedural style name); printf("Table: %s\n", $finfo->table); printf("max. Len: %d\n", $finfo->max_length); printf("Flags: %d\n", $finfo->flags); printf("Type: %d\n\n", $finfo->type); } maxdb_free_result($result); } /* close connection */ maxdb_close($link); ?> ]]> &example.outputs.similar; &reftitle.seealso; maxdb_fetch_field maxdb_field_seek