mailparse_msg_extract_part_file Extracts/decodes a message section &reftitle.description; stringmailparse_msg_extract_part_file resourcemimemail mixedfilename callablecallbackfunc Extracts/decodes a message section from the supplied filename. The contents of the section will be decoded according to their transfer encoding - base64, quoted-printable and uuencoded text are supported. &reftitle.parameters; mimemail A valid MIME resource, created with mailparse_msg_create. filename Can be a file name or a valid stream resource. callbackfunc If set, this must be either a valid callback that will be passed the extracted section, or &null; to make this function return the extracted section. If not specified, the contents will be sent to "stdout". &reftitle.returnvalues; If callbackfunc is not &null; returns &true; on success. If callbackfunc is set to &null;, returns the extracted section as a string. Returns &false; on error. &reftitle.seealso; mailparse_msg_extract_part mailparse_msg_extract_whole_part_file