sort Sort an array in ascending order &reftitle.description; boolsort arrayarray intflagsSORT_REGULAR Sorts array in place by values in ascending order. ¬e.sort-unstable; ¬; &reftitle.parameters; array The input array. &sort.flags.parameter; &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.true.always; &reftitle.examples; <function>sort</function> example $val) { echo "fruits[" . $key . "] = " . $val . "\n"; } ?> ]]> &example.outputs; The fruits have been sorted in alphabetical order. <function>sort</function> example using case-insensitive natural ordering $val) { echo "fruits[" . $key . "] = " . $val . "\n"; } ?> ]]> &example.outputs; The fruits have been sorted like natcasesort. &reftitle.notes; Like most PHP sorting functions, sort uses an implementation of Quicksort. The pivot is chosen in the middle of the partition resulting in an optimal time for already sorted arrays. This is however an implementation detail you shouldn't rely on. Be careful when sorting arrays with mixed types values because sort can produce unexpected results, if flags is SORT_REGULAR. &reftitle.seealso; rsort &seealso.array.sorting;