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<!-- $Revision: 1.12 $ -->
<!-- splitted from ./en/functions/array.xml, last change in rev 1.2 -->
  <refentry id="function.array-walk">
     Apply a user function to every member of an array
      <methodparam choice="opt"><type>mixed</type><parameter>userdata</parameter></methodparam>
     Applies the user-defined function <parameter>function</parameter> to each
     element of the <parameter>array</parameter> array. Typically, 
     <parameter>function</parameter> takes on two parameters.
     The <parameter>array</parameter> parameter's value being the first, and
     the key/index second. If the optional <parameter>userdata</parameter>
     parameter is supplied, it will be passed as the third parameter to
     the callback <parameter>function</parameter>.
     If function <parameter>function</parameter> requires more parameters than 
     given to it, an error of level <link linkend="errorfunc.constants">
     E_WARNING</link> will be generated each time <function>array_walk</function>
     calls <parameter>function</parameter>. These warnings may be suppressed by 
     prepending the PHP error operator 
     <link linkend="language.operators.errorcontrol">@</link> to the 
     <function>array_walk</function> call, or by using 
      If <parameter>function</parameter> needs to be working with the
      actual values of the array, specify the first parameter of
      <parameter>function</parameter> as a 
      <link linkend="language.references">reference</link>. Then,
      any changes made to those elements will be made in the 
      original array itself.
      Passing the key and userdata to <parameter>function</parameter> was
      added in 4.0.0
     <function>array_walk</function> is not affected by the internal
     array pointer of <parameter>array</parameter>.  <function>
     array_walk</function> will walk through the entire array 
     regardless of pointer position.  To reset the pointer, use 
     <function>reset</function>.  In PHP 3, 
     <function>array_walk</function> resets the pointer.
     Users may not change the array itself from the callback
     function. e.g. Add/delete elements, unset elements, etc.  If
     the array that <function>array_walk</function> is applied to 
     is changed, the behavior of this function is undefined, and
      <title><function>array_walk</function> example</title>
      <programlisting role="php">
$fruits = array("d" => "lemon", "a" => "orange", "b" => "banana", "c" => "apple");

function test_alter(&$item1, $key, $prefix) {
    $item1 = "$prefix: $item1";

function test_print($item2, $key) {
    echo "$key. $item2<br>\n";

echo "Before ...:\n";
array_walk($fruits, 'test_print');

array_walk($fruits, 'test_alter', 'fruit');
echo "... and after:\n";

array_walk($fruits, 'test_print');
       The printout of the program above will be:
      <screen role="php">
Before ...:
d. lemon
a. orange
b. banana
c. apple
... and after:
d. fruit: lemon
a. fruit: orange
b. fruit: banana
c. fruit: apple
     See also <function>list</function>, 
     <link linkend="control-structures.foreach">foreach</link>, 
     <function>each</function>, and <function>call_user_func_array</function>.

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