posix_mknod Create a special or ordinary file (POSIX.1) &reftitle.description; boolposix_mknod stringpathname intmode intmajor0 intminor0 Creates a special or ordinary file. &reftitle.parameters; pathname The file to create mode This parameter is constructed by a bitwise OR between file type (one of the following constants: POSIX_S_IFREG, POSIX_S_IFCHR, POSIX_S_IFBLK, POSIX_S_IFIFO or POSIX_S_IFSOCK) and permissions. major The major device kernel identifier (required to pass when using S_IFCHR or S_IFBLK). minor The minor device kernel identifier. &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success; &reftitle.examples; A <function>posix_mknod</function> example ]]> &reftitle.seealso; posix_mkfifo