spliti Split string into array by regular expression case insensitive &warn.deprecated.function.5-3-0.removed.7-0-0.alternatives; preg_split (with the i (PCRE_CASELESS) modifier) &reftitle.description; arrayspliti stringpattern stringstring intlimit-1 Splits a string into array by regular expression. This function is identical to split except that this ignores case distinction when matching alphabetic characters. &reftitle.parameters; pattern Case insensitive regular expression. If you want to split on any of the characters which are considered special by regular expressions, you'll need to escape them first. If you think spliti (or any other regex function, for that matter) is doing something weird, please read the file regex.7, included in the regex/ subdirectory of the PHP distribution. It's in manpage format, so you'll want to do something along the lines of man /usr/local/src/regex/regex.7 in order to read it. string The input string. limit If limit is set, the returned array will contain a maximum of limit elements with the last element containing the whole rest of string. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns an array of strings, each of which is a substring of string formed by splitting it on boundaries formed by the case insensitive regular expression pattern. If there are n occurrences of pattern, the returned array will contain n+1 items. For example, if there is no occurrence of pattern, an array with only one element will be returned. Of course, this is also true if string is empty. If an error occurs, spliti returns &false;. &reftitle.examples; This example splits a string using 'a' as the separator : <function>spliti</function> example ]]> &example.outputs; [1] => BBB [2] => CCC [3] => DDD [4] => EEEaGGGA ) ]]> &reftitle.seealso; preg_split split explode implode