bcompiler_write_class Writes a defined class as bytecodes &reftitle.description; boolbcompiler_write_class resourcefilehandle stringclassName stringextends Reads the bytecodes from PHP for an existing class, and writes them to the open file handle. &reftitle.parameters; filehandle A file handle as returned by fopen. className The class name, as a string. extends &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success; &reftitle.examples; <function>bcompiler_write_class</function> example ]]> &reftitle.notes; &warn.experimental.func; This function does not perform dependency checking, so make sure you write the classes in an order that will not result in an undefined class error occurring when you load it. &reftitle.seealso; bcompiler_write_header bcompiler_write_footer