DOMDocument->createAttributeNS() Create new attribute node with an associated namespace &reftitle.description; DOMDocument DOMAttrcreateAttributeNS stringnamespaceURI stringqualifiedName This function creates a new instance of class DOMAttr. &dom.node.inserted; &reftitle.parameters; namespaceURI The URI of the namespace. qualifiedName The tag name and prefix of the attribute, as prefix:tagname. &reftitle.returnvalues; The new DOMAttr or &false; if an error occured. &reftitle.exceptions; DOM_INVALID_CHARACTER_ERR Raised if qualifiedName contains an invalid character. DOM_NAMESPACE_ERR Raised if qualifiedName is a malformed qualified name, or if qualifiedName has a prefix and namespaceURI is &null;. &reftitle.seealso;