mb_language Set/Get current language &reftitle.description; mixedmb_language stringlanguage Set/Get the current language. &reftitle.parameters; language Used for encoding e-mail messages. Valid languages are "Japanese", "ja","English","en" and "uni" (UTF-8). mb_send_mail uses this setting to encode e-mail. Language and its setting is ISO-2022-JP/Base64 for Japanese, UTF-8/Base64 for uni, ISO-8859-1/quoted printable for English. &reftitle.returnvalues; If language is set and language is valid, it returns &true;. Otherwise, it returns &false;. When language is omitted, it returns the language name as a string. If no language is set previously, it then returns &false;. &reftitle.seealso; mb_send_mail