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<!-- $Revision$ -->
<refentry xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xml:id="function.file">
  <refpurpose>Reads entire file into an array</refpurpose>
 <refsect1 role="description">
   <methodparam choice="opt"><type>int</type><parameter>flags</parameter><initializer>0</initializer></methodparam>
   <methodparam choice="opt"><type>resource</type><parameter>context</parameter></methodparam>
   Reads an entire file into an array.
    You can use <function>file_get_contents</function> to return the contents
    of a file as a string.

 <refsect1 role="parameters">
       Path to the file.
       The optional parameter <parameter>flags</parameter> can be one, or
       more, of the following constants:
           Search for the file in the <link 
           Do not add newline at the end of each array element
           Skip empty lines
        <!-- FIXME PHP_6
           The content is returned in UTF-8 encoding. You can specify a different
           encoding by creating a custom context. This flag cannot be used with 
           The content is read as binary data. This is the default setting 
           and cannot be used with <constant>FILE_TEXT</constant>.
       A context resource created with the 
       <function>stream_context_create</function> function.

 <refsect1 role="returnvalues">
   Returns the file in an array. Each element of the array corresponds to a
   line in the file, with the newline still attached. Upon failure,
   <function>file</function> returns &false;.
    Each line in the resulting array will include the line ending, unless
    <constant>FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES</constant> is used, so you still need to
    use <function>rtrim</function> if you do not want the line ending

 <refsect1 role="changelog">
    <tgroup cols="2">
      <!-- FIXME PHP_6
        Added support for the <constant>FILE_TEXT</constant> and 
        <constant>FILE_BINARY</constant> flags.
          For <literal>forward compatibility</literal>, these constants are
          available as of PHP 5.2.7
        The <parameter>context</parameter> parameter was added
        Prior to PHP 5.0.0 the <parameter>flags</parameter> parameter only
        covered <link linkend="ini.include-path">include_path</link> and was
        enabled with 1
        <function>file</function> became binary safe

 <refsect1 role="examples">
    <title><function>file</function> example</title>
    <programlisting role="php">
// Get a file into an array.  In this example we'll go through HTTP to get
// the HTML source of a URL.
$lines = file('http://www.example.com/');

// Loop through our array, show HTML source as HTML source; and line numbers too.
foreach ($lines as $line_num => $line) {
    echo "Line #<b>{$line_num}</b> : " . htmlspecialchars($line) . "<br />\n";

// Another example, let's get a web page into a string.  See also file_get_contents().
$html = implode('', file('http://www.example.com/'));

// Using the optional flags parameter since PHP 5
$trimmed = file('somefile.txt', FILE_IGNORE_NEW_LINES | FILE_SKIP_EMPTY_LINES);

 <refsect1 role="notes">

 <refsect1 role="seealso">


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