getallheaders Fetch all HTTP request headers &reftitle.description; arraygetallheaders Fetches all HTTP headers from the current request. This function is an alias for apache_request_headers. Please read the apache_request_headers documentation for more information on how this function works. &reftitle.returnvalues; An associative array of all the HTTP headers in the current request, or &false; on failure. &reftitle.changelog; &Version; &Description; 5.4.0 This function became available under FastCGI. Previously, it was supported only when PHP was installed as an Apache module. 4.3.3 ¬e.apache.nsapi-module; 4.3.0 Became an alias for apache_request_headers. Essentially, it was renamed. This is because this function only works with Apache. &reftitle.examples; <function>getallheaders</function> example $value) { echo "$name: $value\n"; } ?> ]]> &reftitle.seealso; apache_response_headers