RegexIterator::__construct Creates a new RegexIterator. &reftitle.description; RegexIterator::__construct Iteratoriterator stringregex intmode intflags intpreg_flags Creates a new regular expression iterator. &reftitle.parameters; iterator The iterator to apply this regex filter to. regex The regular expression to match. mode Operation mode, see RegexIterator::setMode for a list of mode. flags Special flags, see RegexIterator::setFlags for a list of available flags. preg_flags The regular expression flags. These flags depend on the operation mode parameter: <classname>RegexIterator</classname> preg_flags operation mode available flags RegexIterator::ALL_MATCHES See preg_match_all. RegexIterator::GET_MATCH See preg_match. RegexIterator::MATCH See preg_match. RegexIterator::REPLACE none. RegexIterator::SPLIT See preg_split.
&reftitle.examples; <function>RegexIterator::__construct</function> example Creates a new RegexIterator that filters all strings that start with 'test'. ]]> &example.outputs.similar; &reftitle.seealso; preg_match preg_match_all preg_replace preg_split