sqlite_querySQLiteDatabase->queryExecutes a query against a given database and returns a result handle
resourcesqlite_queryresourcedbhandlestringqueryintresult_typeSQLITE_BOTHstringerror_msgresourcesqlite_querystringqueryresourcedbhandleintresult_typeSQLITE_BOTHstringerror_msg&style.oop; (method):SQLiteDatabaseSQLiteResultquerystringqueryintresult_typeSQLITE_BOTHstringerror_msg
Executes an SQL statement given by the query against
a given database handle.
The SQLite Database resource; returned from
sqlite_open when used procedurally. This parameter
is not required when using the object-oriented method.
The query to be executed.
Data inside the query should be properly escaped.
The specified variable will be filled if an error occurs. This is
specially important because SQL syntax errors can't be fetched using
the sqlite_last_error function.
This function will return a result handle&return.falseforfailure;.
For queries that return rows, the result handle can then be used with
functions such as sqlite_fetch_array and
Regardless of the query type, this function will return &false; if the
query failed.
sqlite_query returns a buffered, seekable result
handle. This is useful for reasonably small queries where you need to
be able to randomly access the rows. Buffered result handles will
allocate memory to hold the entire result and will not return until it
has been fetched. If you only need sequential access to the data, it is
recommended that you use the much higher performance
sqlite_unbuffered_query instead.
Added the error_msg parameter
SQLite will execute multiple queries separated by
semicolons, so you can use it to execute a batch of SQL that you have
loaded from a file or have embedded in a script. However, this works only
when the result of the function is not used - if it is used,
only the first SQL statement would be executed. Function
sqlite_exec will always execute multiple SQL
When executing multiple queries, the return value of this function
will be &false; if there was an error, but undefined otherwise (it might
be &true; for success or it might return a result handle).