win32_query_service_status Queries the status of a service &reftitle.description; mixedwin32_query_service_status stringservicename stringmachine Queries the current status for a service, returning an array of information. &reftitle.parameters; servicename The short name of the service. machine The optional machine name. If omitted, the local machine will be used. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns an array consisting of the following information on success&win32service.false.error; ServiceType The dwServiceType. See Win32Service Service Type Bitmasks. CurrentState The dwCurrentState. See Win32Service Service Status Constants. ControlsAccepted Which service controls are accepted by the service. See Win32Service Service Control Message Accepted Bitmasks. Win32ExitCode If the service exited, the return code from the process. ServiceSpecificExitCode If the service exited with an error condition, the service specific code that is logged in the event log is visible here. CheckPoint If the service is shutting down, holds the current check point number. This is used by the SCM as a kind of heart-beat to detect a wedged service process. The value of the check point is best interpreted in conjunction with the WaitHint value. WaitHint If the service is shutting down it will set WaitHint to a checkpoint value that will indicate 100% completion. This can be used to implement a progress indicator. ProcessId The Windows process identifier. If 0, the process is not running. ServiceFlags The dwServiceFlags. See Win32Service Service Service Flag Constants. &reftitle.seealso; Win32Service Predefined Constants