px_get_parameter Gets a parameter &reftitle.description; stringpx_get_parameter resourcepxdoc stringname Gets various parameters. &reftitle.parameters; pxdoc Resource identifier of the paradox database as returned by px_new. name The name can be one of the following: tablename The name of the table as it will be stored in the database header. targetencoding The encoding for the output. Data which is being read from character fields with px_get_record or px_retrieve_record is recoded into the targetencoding. If it is not set, then the data will be delivered as stored in the database file. inputencoding The encoding of the input data which is to be stored into the database. When storing data of character fields in the database, the data is expected to be delivered in this encoding. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns the value of the parameter&return.falseforfailure;.