GNU Recode functions
This module contains an interface to the GNU Recode library,
version 3.5. To be able to use the functions defined in this
module you must compile you PHP interpreter using the --with-recode
option. In order to do so, you must have GNU Recode 3.5 or higher
installed on your system.
The GNU Recode library converts files between various coded
character sets and surface encodings. When this cannot be
achieved exactly, it may get rid of the offending characters or
fall back on approximations. The library recognises or produces
nearly 150 different character sets and is able to convert files
between almost any pair. Most RFC 1345 character sets are supported.
Recode a string according to a recode request
string recode_string
string request
string string
Recode the string string according to
the recode request request. Returns
FALSE, if unable to comply, TRUE otherwise.
A simple recode request may be "lat1..iso646-de".
See also the GNU Recode documentation of your installation
for detailed instructions about recode requests.
Recode a string according to a recode request
string recode_string
string request
string string
This is an alias for recode_string. It has
been added in PHP4.
Recode from file to file according to recode request
bool recode_file
int input
int output
Recode the file referenced by file handle
input into the file referenced by file
handle output according to the recode
request. Returns FALSE, if unable to comply, TRUE
This function does not currently process filehandles referencing
remote files (URLs). Both filehandles must refer to local files.