Basic usage
As of PHP 4.1.0, $_SESSION is available as a
global variable just like $_POST,
$_GET, $_REQUEST and so on.
$_SESSION is always global. Therefore, you do not
need to use the global
keyword for $_SESSION. Please note that this
documentation has been changed to use
$_SESSION everywhere. You can substitute
$_SESSION, if you prefer the former. Also note
that you must start your session using session_start
before use of $_SESSION becomes available.
The keys in the $_SESSION associative
array are subject to the
same limitations as regular variable names in PHP, i.e. they cannot
start with a number and must start with a letter or underscore.
For more details see the section on
variables in this manual.
If register_globals
is disabled, only members of the global associative array
$_SESSION can be registered as session
variables. The restored session variables will only be available
in the array $_SESSION.
Use of $_SESSION (or
$HTTP_SESSION_VARS with PHP 4.0.6 or less) is
recommended for improved security and code readability. With
$_SESSION, there is no need to use the
session_is_registered functions. Session variables
are accessible like any other variables.
Registering a variable with $_SESSION.
Unregistering a variable with $_SESSION and
register_globals disabled.
Do NOT unset the whole $_SESSION with
unset($_SESSION) as this will disable the
registering of session variables through the
$_SESSION superglobal.
You can't use references in session variables as there is no feasible way
to restore a reference to another variable.
If register_globals
is enabled, then each global variable can be registered as session
variable. Upon a restart of a session, these variables will be restored
to corresponding global variables. Since PHP must know which global
variables are registered as session variables, users need to register
variables with session_register function.
You can avoid this by simply setting entries in
Before PHP 4.3.0, if you are using $_SESSION and you
have disabled register_globals,
don't use session_register,
session_is_registered or
Disabling register_globals
is recommended for both security and performance reasons.
If register_globals
is enabled, then the global variables and the
$_SESSION entries will automatically reference the
same values which were registered in the prior session instance.
However, if the variable is registered by $_SESSION
then the global variable is available since the next request.
There is a defect in PHP 4.2.3 and earlier. If you register a new
session variable by using session_register, the
entry in the global scope and the $_SESSION entry will
not reference the same value until the next
session_start. I.e. a modification to the newly
registered global variable will not be reflected by the
$_SESSION entry. This has been corrected in PHP 4.3.0.
Passing the Session ID
There are two methods to propagate a session id:
URL parameter
The session module supports both methods. Cookies are optimal, but
because they are not always available, we also provide an alternative
way. The second method embeds the session id directly into URLs.
PHP is capable of transforming links transparently. Unless you are using
PHP 4.2.0 or later, you need to enable it manually when building PHP.
Under Unix, pass
--enable-trans-sid to configure. If this build
option and the run-time option
session.use_trans_sid are enabled, relative
URIs will be changed to contain the session id automatically.
The arg_separator.output
&php.ini; directive allows to customize the argument seperator. For full
XHTML conformance, specify & there.
Alternatively, you can use the constant SID which is
defined if the session started. If the client did not send an appropriate session
cookie, it has the form session_name=session_id.
Otherwise, it expands to an empty string. Thus, you can embed it
unconditionally into URLs.
The following example demonstrates how to register a variable, and
how to link correctly to another page using SID.
Counting the number of hits of a single user
The htmlspecialchars may be used when printing the SID
in order to prevent XSS related attacks.
Printing the SID, like shown above, is not necessary if
--enable-trans-sid was used to compile PHP.
Non-relative URLs are assumed to point to external sites and
hence don't append the SID, as it would be a security risk to
leak the SID to a different server.
Custom Session Handlers
To implement database storage, or any other storage method, you
will need to use session_set_save_handler to
create a set of user-level storage functions.