ps_makespotcolor Create spot color &reftitle.description; intps_makespotcolor resourcepsdoc stringname intreserved0 Creates a spot color from the current fill color. The fill color must be defined in rgb, cmyk or gray colorspace. The spot color name can be an arbitrary name. A spot color can be set as any color with ps_setcolor. When the document is not printed but displayed by an postscript viewer the given color in the specified color space is use. &reftitle.parameters; psdoc Resource identifier of the postscript file as returned by ps_new. name Name of the spot color, e.g. Pantone 5565. &reftitle.returnvalues; The id of the new spot color or 0 in case of an error. &reftitle.examples; Creating and using a spot color ]]> This example creates the spot color "PANTONE 5565 C" which is a darker green (olive) and fills a rectangle with 50% intensity. &reftitle.seealso; ps_setcolor