ncurses_color_content Retrieves RGB components of a color &reftitle.description; intncurses_color_content intcolor intr intg intb Retrieves the red, green, and blue components for the given color definition. Terminal color capabilities must be initialized with ncurses_start_color prior to calling this function. &reftitle.parameters; color The number of the color to retrieve information for. May be one of the pre-defined color constants. r A reference to which to return the red component of the color. The value returned to the reference will be between 0 and 1000. g A reference to which to return the green component of the color. The value returned to the reference will be between 0 and 1000. b A reference to which to return the blue component of the color. The value returned to the reference will be between 0 and 1000. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns -1 if the function was successful, and 0 if ncurses or terminal color capabilities have not been initialized. &reftitle.seealso; ncurses_init_color ncurses_start_color