apc_bin_loadfile Load a binary dump from a file into the APC file/user cache &reftitle.description; boolapc_bin_loadfile stringfilename resourcecontext intflags Loads a binary dump from a file into the APC file/user cache. &reftitle.parameters; filename The file name containing the dump, likely from apc_bin_dumpfile. context The files context. flags Either APC_BIN_VERIFY_CRC32, APC_BIN_VERIFY_MD5, or both. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns &true; on success, otherwise &false; Reasons it may return &false; include APC is not enabled, filename is an invalid file name or empty, filename can't be opened, the file dump can't be completed, or if the data is not a valid APC binary dump (e.g., unexpected size). &reftitle.seealso; apc_bin_dumpfile apc_bin_load