swf_oncondition Describe a transition used to trigger an action list Description voidswf_oncondition inttransition The swf_onCondition function describes a transition that will trigger an action list. There are several types of possible transitions, the following are for buttons defined as TYPE_MENUBUTTON: IdletoOverUp OverUptoIdle OverUptoOverDown OverDowntoOverUp IdletoOverDown OutDowntoIdle MenuEnter (IdletoOverUp|IdletoOverDown) MenuExit (OverUptoIdle|OverDowntoIdle) For TYPE_PUSHBUTTON there are the following options: IdletoOverUp OverUptoIdle OverUptoOverDown OverDowntoOverUp OverDowntoOutDown OutDowntoOverDown OutDowntoIdle ButtonEnter (IdletoOverUp|OutDowntoOverDown) ButtonExit (OverUptoIdle|OverDowntoOutDown)