mysql_db_query Send a MySQL query Description resourcemysql_db_query stringdatabase stringquery resource link_identifier Returns a positive MySQL result resource to the query result, or &false; on error. The function also returns &true;/&false; for INSERT/UPDATE/DELETE queries to indicate success/failure. mysql_db_query selects a database and executes a query on it. If the optional link identifier isn't specified, the function will try to find an open link to the MySQL server and if no such link is found it'll try to create one as if mysql_connect was called with no arguments. Be aware that this function does NOT switch back to the database you were connected before. In other words, you can't use this function to temporarily run a sql query on another database, you would have to manually switch back. Users are strongly encouraged to use the database.table syntax in their sql queries instead of this function. See also mysql_connect and mysql_query. This function has been deprecated since PHP 4.0.6. Do not use this function. Use mysql_select_db and mysql_query instead.