MysqlndUhConnection::stmtInit Initializes a statement and returns a resource for use with mysqli_statement::prepare &reftitle.description; public resourceMysqlndUhConnection::stmtInit mysqlnd_connectionconnection Initializes a statement and returns a resource for use with mysqli_statement::prepare. &reftitle.parameters; connection Mysqlnd connection handle. Do not modify! &reftitle.returnvalues; Resource of type Mysqlnd Prepared Statement (internal only - you must not modify it!). The documentation may also refer to such resources using the alias name mysqlnd_prepared_statement. &reftitle.examples; <function>MysqlndUhConnection::stmtInit</function> example prepare("SELECT 1 AS _one FROM DUAL"); $stmt->execute(); $one = NULL; $stmt->bind_result($one); $stmt->fetch(); var_dump($one); ?> ]]> &example.outputs; NULL, )) resource(19) of type (Mysqlnd Connection) proxy::stmtInit returns NULL resource(246) of type (Mysqlnd Prepared Statement (internal only - you must not modify it!)) int(1) ]]> &reftitle.seealso; mysqlnd_uh_set_connection_proxy mysqli_stmt_init