mb_output_handler Callback function converts character encoding in output buffer &reftitle.description; stringmb_output_handler stringcontents intstatus mb_output_handler is ob_start callback function. mb_output_handler converts characters in the output buffer from internal character encoding to HTTP output character encoding. &reftitle.parameters; contents The contents of the output buffer. status The status of the output buffer. &reftitle.returnvalues; The converted string. &reftitle.changelog; &Version; &Description; 4.1.0 This handler now adds the charset HTTP header when the following conditions are met: Content-Type has not been set, using header. The default MIME type begins with text/. The mbstring.http_input setting is something other than pass. &reftitle.examples; <function>mb_output_handler</function> example ]]> &reftitle.notes; If you want to output binary data, such as an image, using PHP 4.3.0 or later, a Content-Type: header must be set using header before any binary data is sent to the client (e.g. header("Content-Type: image/png")). If Content-Type: header is sent, output character encoding conversion will not be performed. Note that if 'Content-Type: text/*' is sent, the content body is regarded as text; conversion will take place. If you want to output binary data, such as an image, using PHP 4.2.x or earlier, you must set output encoding to "pass" using mb_http_output. &reftitle.seealso; ob_start