mb_encode_mimeheader Encode string for MIME header &reftitle.description; stringmb_encode_mimeheader stringstr stringcharsetmb_language() stringtransfer_encoding"B" stringlinefeed"\r\n" intindent0 Encodes a given string str by the MIME header encoding scheme. &reftitle.parameters; str The string being encoded. Its encoding should be same as mb_internal_encoding. charset charset specifies the name of the character set in which str is represented in. The default value is determined by the current NLS setting (mbstring.language). transfer_encoding transfer_encoding specifies the scheme of MIME encoding. It should be either "B" (Base64) or "Q" (Quoted-Printable). Falls back to "B" if not given. linefeed linefeed specifies the EOL (end-of-line) marker with which mb_encode_mimeheader performs line-folding (a RFC term, the act of breaking a line longer than a certain length into multiple lines. The length is currently hard-coded to 74 characters). Falls back to "\r\n" (CRLF) if not given. indent Indentation of the first line (number of characters in the header before str). &reftitle.returnvalues; A converted version of the string represented in ASCII. &reftitle.examples; <function>mb_encode_mimeheader</function> example "; echo $addr; ?> ]]> &reftitle.notes; This function isn't designed to break lines at higher-level contextual break points (word boundaries, etc.). This behaviour may clutter up the original string with unexpected spaces. &reftitle.seealso; mb_decode_mimeheader