ldap_parse_result Extract information from result &reftitle.description; boolldap_parse_result resourcelink resourceresult interrcode stringmatcheddn stringerrmsg arrayreferrals arrayserverctrls Parses an LDAP search result. &reftitle.parameters; link An LDAP link identifier, returned by ldap_connect. result_identifier An LDAP result resource, returned by ldap_list or ldap_search. errcode A reference to a variable that will be set to the LDAP error code in the result, or 0 if no error occurred. matcheddn A reference to a variable that will be set to a matched DN if one was recognised within the request, otherwise it will be set to &null;. errmsg A reference to a variable that will be set to the LDAP error message in the result, or an empty string if no error occurred. referrals A reference to a variable that will be set to an array set to all of the referral strings in the result, or an empty array if no referrals were returned. &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success; &reftitle.changelog; &Version; &Description; 7.3 Support for serverctrls added &reftitle.examples; <function>ldap_parse_result</function> example ]]>