<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> <!-- $Revision$ --> <refentry xml:id="function.array-merge" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook"> <refnamediv> <refname>array_merge</refname> <refpurpose>Merge one or more arrays</refpurpose> </refnamediv> <refsect1 role="description"> &reftitle.description; <methodsynopsis> <type>array</type><methodname>array_merge</methodname> <methodparam><type>array</type><parameter>array1</parameter></methodparam> <methodparam choice="opt"><type>array</type><parameter>...</parameter></methodparam> </methodsynopsis> <para> Merges the elements of one or more arrays together so that the values of one are appended to the end of the previous one. It returns the resulting array. </para> <para> If the input arrays have the same string keys, then the later value for that key will overwrite the previous one. If, however, the arrays contain numeric keys, the later value will <emphasis role="strong">not</emphasis> overwrite the original value, but will be appended. </para> <para> Values in the input array with numeric keys will be renumbered with incrementing keys starting from zero in the result array. </para> </refsect1> <refsect1 role="parameters"> &reftitle.parameters; <para> <variablelist> <varlistentry> <term><parameter>array1</parameter></term> <listitem> <para> Initial array to merge. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> <varlistentry> <term><parameter>...</parameter></term> <listitem> <para> Variable list of arrays to merge. </para> </listitem> </varlistentry> </variablelist> </para> </refsect1> <refsect1 role="returnvalues"> &reftitle.returnvalues; <para> Returns the resulting array. </para> </refsect1> <refsect1 role="changelog"> &reftitle.changelog; <para> <informaltable> <tgroup cols="2"> <thead> <row> <entry>&Version;</entry> <entry>&Description;</entry> </row> </thead> <tbody> <row> <entry>5.0.0</entry> <entry> <warning> <para> The behavior of <function>array_merge</function> was modified in PHP 5. Unlike PHP 4, <function>array_merge</function> now only accepts parameters of type <type>array</type>. However, you can use typecasting to merge other types. See the example below for details. </para> <para> <example> <title><function>array_merge</function> PHP 5 example</title> <programlisting role="php"> <![CDATA[ <?php $beginning = 'foo'; $end = array(1 => 'bar'); $result = array_merge((array)$beginning, (array)$end); print_r($result); ?> ]]> </programlisting> &example.outputs; <screen role="php"> <![CDATA[ Array ( [0] => foo [1] => bar ) ]]> </screen> </example> </para> </warning> </entry> </row> </tbody> </tgroup> </informaltable> </para> </refsect1> <refsect1 role="examples"> &reftitle.examples; <para> <example> <title><function>array_merge</function> example</title> <programlisting role="php"> <![CDATA[ <?php $array1 = array("color" => "red", 2, 4); $array2 = array("a", "b", "color" => "green", "shape" => "trapezoid", 4); $result = array_merge($array1, $array2); print_r($result); ?> ]]> </programlisting> &example.outputs; <screen role="php"> <![CDATA[ Array ( [color] => green [0] => 2 [1] => 4 [2] => a [3] => b [shape] => trapezoid [4] => 4 ) ]]> </screen> </example> </para> <para> <example> <title>Simple <function>array_merge</function> example</title> <programlisting role="php"> <![CDATA[ <?php $array1 = array(); $array2 = array(1 => "data"); $result = array_merge($array1, $array2); ?> ]]> </programlisting> <para> Don't forget that numeric keys will be renumbered! </para> <screen role="php"> <![CDATA[ Array ( [0] => data ) ]]> </screen> <para> If you want to append array elements from the second array to the first array while not overwriting the elements from the first array and not re-indexing, use the <literal>+</literal> array union operator: </para> <programlisting role="php"> <![CDATA[ <?php $array1 = array(0 => 'zero_a', 2 => 'two_a', 3 => 'three_a'); $array2 = array(1 => 'one_b', 3 => 'three_b', 4 => 'four_b'); $result = $array1 + $array2; var_dump($result); ?> ]]> </programlisting> <para> The keys from the first array will be preserved. If an array key exists in both arrays, then the element from the first array will be used and the matching key's element from the second array will be ignored. </para> <screen role="php"> <![CDATA[ array(5) { [0]=> string(6) "zero_a" [2]=> string(5) "two_a" [3]=> string(7) "three_a" [1]=> string(5) "one_b" [4]=> string(6) "four_b" } ]]> </screen> </example> </para> </refsect1> <refsect1 role="seealso"> &reftitle.seealso; <para> <simplelist> <member><function>array_merge_recursive</function></member> <member><function>array_replace</function></member> <member><function>array_combine</function></member> <member><link linkend="language.operators.array">array operators</link></member> </simplelist> </para> </refsect1> </refentry> <!-- Keep this comment at the end of the file Local variables: mode: sgml sgml-omittag:t sgml-shorttag:t sgml-minimize-attributes:nil sgml-always-quote-attributes:t sgml-indent-step:1 sgml-indent-data:t indent-tabs-mode:nil sgml-parent-document:nil sgml-default-dtd-file:"~/.phpdoc/manual.ced" sgml-exposed-tags:nil sgml-local-catalogs:nil sgml-local-ecat-files:nil End: vim600: syn=xml fen fdm=syntax fdl=2 si vim: et tw=78 syn=sgml vi: ts=1 sw=1 -->