XSLTProcessor::transformToXML Transform to XML &reftitle.description; XSLTProcessor string transformToXML DOMDocumentdoc Transforms the source node to a string applying the stylesheet given by the xsltprocessor::importStylesheet method. &reftitle.parameters; doc The transformed document. &reftitle.returnvalues; The result of the transformation as a string or &false; on error. &reftitle.examples; Transforming to a string load('collection.xml'); $xsl = new DOMDocument; $xsl->load('collection.xsl'); // Configure the transformer $proc = new XSLTProcessor; $proc->importStyleSheet($xsl); // attach the xsl rules echo $proc->transformToXML($xml); ?> ]]> &example.outputs; Fight for your mind

by Ben Harper - 1995

Electric Ladyland

by Jimi Hendrix - 1997

&reftitle.seealso; XSLTProcessor::transformToDoc XSLTProcessor::transformToUri