XSLTProcessor->setParameter() Set value for a parameter &reftitle.description; XSLTProcessor boolsetParameter stringnamespace stringname stringvalue XSLTProcessor boolsetParameter stringnamespace arrayoptions Sets the value of one or more parameters to be used in subsequent transformations with XSLTProcessor. If the parameter doesn't exist in the stylesheet it will be ignored. &reftitle.parameters; namespace The namespace URI of the XSLT parameter. name The local name of the XSLT parameter. value The new value of the XSLT parameter. options An array of name => value pairs. This syntax is available since PHP 5.1.0. &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success; &reftitle.examples; Changing the owner before the transformation 'marc', 'Olivier Parmentier' => 'olivier' ); $xsl = new DOMDocument; $xsl->load('collection.xsl'); // Configure the transformer $proc = new XSLTProcessor; $proc->importStyleSheet($xsl); // attach the xsl rules foreach ($collections as $name => $file) { // Load the XML source $xml = new DOMDocument; $xml->load('collection_' . $file . '.xml'); $proc->setParameter('', 'owner', $name); $proc->transformToURI($xml, 'file:///tmp/' . $file . '.html'); } ?> ]]> &reftitle.seealso;