svn_update Update working copy &reftitle.description; intsvn_update stringpath intrevnoSVN_REVISION_HEAD boolrecursetrue Update working copy at path to revision revno. If recurse is true, directories will be recursively updated. &reftitle.parameters; path Path to local working copy. &svn.relativepath; revno Revision number to update to, default is SVN_REVISION_HEAD. recurse Whether or not to recursively update directories. &reftitle.returnvalues; Returns new revision number on success, returns &false; on failure. &reftitle.notes; &warn.experimental.func; &reftitle.examples; Basic example This example demonstrates basic usage of this function: ]]> &example.outputs.similar; &reftitle.seealso; svn_checkout svn_commit SVN documentation for svn update