mbstring configuration options&Name;&Default;&Changeable;&Changelog;mbstring.language"neutral"PHP_INI_ALL
Available since PHP 4.3.0. PHP_INI_PERDIR in PHP <= 5.2.6
mbstring.detect_orderNULLPHP_INI_ALLAvailable since PHP 4.0.6.mbstring.http_input"pass"PHP_INI_ALLAvailable since PHP 4.0.6.mbstring.http_output"pass"PHP_INI_ALLAvailable since PHP 4.0.6.mbstring.internal_encodingNULLPHP_INI_ALLAvailable since PHP 4.0.6.mbstring.script_encodingNULLPHP_INI_ALLAvailable since PHP 4.3.0.mbstring.substitute_characterNULLPHP_INI_ALLAvailable since PHP 4.0.6.mbstring.func_overload"0"PHP_INI_SYSTEM
PHP_INI_PERDIR from PHP 4.3 to 5.2.6, otherwise PHP_INI_SYSTEM.
Available since PHP 4.2.0.
mbstring.encoding_translation"0"PHP_INI_PERDIRAvailable since PHP 4.3.0.mbstring.strict_detection"0"PHP_INI_ALLAvailable since PHP 5.1.2.
The default national language setting (NLS) used in mbstring. Note that this option
automagically defines mbstring.internal_encoding and
mbstring.internal_encoding should be placed
after mbstring.language in &php.ini;
Enables the transparent character encoding filter for the incoming HTTP queries,
which performs detection and conversion of the input encoding to the
internal character encoding.
Defines the default internal character encoding.
Defines the default HTTP input character encoding.
Defines the default HTTP output character encoding.
Defines default character code detection order. See also
Defines character to substitute for invalid character encoding.
Overloads a set of single byte functions by the mbstring counterparts. See
Function overloading for more
This setting can only be changed from the &php.ini; file.
Enables the strict encoding detection.
According to the HTML 4.01 specification,
Web browsers are allowed to encode a form being submitted with a character
encoding different from the one used for the page.
See mb_http_input to detect character encoding
used by browsers.
Although popular browsers are capable of giving a reasonably accurate guess
to the character encoding of a given HTML document, it would be better to
set the charset parameter in the
Content-Type HTTP header to the appropriate value by
header or
default_charset ini setting.
&php.ini; setting examples&php.ini; setting for EUC-JP users&php.ini; setting for SJIS users