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<!-- $Revision$ -->

<chapter xml:id="mysqlnd-qc.changes" xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink">
 <title xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook">Change History</title>
  This change history is a high level summary of selected changes
  that may impact applications and/or break backwards compatibility.
  See also the <filename>CHANGES</filename> file in the source distribution
  for a complete list of changes.

<section xml:id="mysqlnd-qc.changes-one-two">
  <title xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook">PECL/mysqlnd_qc 1.2 series</title>
   1.2.0 - alpha
      Release date: 03/2013
      Motto/theme: PHP 5.5 compatibility
   Feature changes
      Update build for PHP 5.5 (Credits: Remi Collet)
      APC storage handler update
          Fix build for APC 3.1.13-beta and trunk
      <link linkend="constant.mysqlnd-qc-version"><constant>MYSQLND_QC_VERSION</constant></link> and
      <link linkend="constant.mysqlnd-qc-version-id"><constant>MYSQLND_QC_VERSION_ID</constant></link>.

 <section xml:id="mysqlnd-qc.changes-one-one">
  <title xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook">PECL/mysqlnd_qc 1.1 series</title>
   1.1.0 - stable
      Release date: 04/2012
      Motto/theme: PHP 5.4 compatibility, schema pattern based caching and mysqlnd_ms support
   1.1.0 - beta
      Release date: 04/2012
      Motto/theme: PHP 5.4 compatibility, schema pattern based caching and mysqlnd_ms support
   1.1.0 - alpha
      Release date: 04/2012
      Motto/theme: PHP 5.4 compatibility, schema pattern based caching and mysqlnd_ms support
   Feature changes
      APC storage handler update
          Fix build for APC 3.1.9+
          Note: Use of the APC storage handler is currently
          not recommended due to stability issues of APC itself.
      New PHP configuration directives
          <literal><link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-qc.collect-statistics-log-file">
          mysqlnd_qc.collect_statistics_log_file</link></literal>. Aggregated
          cache statistics log file written after every 10th request served by the
          PHP process.
          <literal><link linkend="ini.mysqlnd-qc.ignore-sql-comments">
          Control whether SQL comments are ignored for cache key hash generation.
      New constants and SQL hints
          <link linkend="constant.mysqlnd-qc-server-id"><constant>
          MYSQLND_QC_SERVER_ID_SWITCH</constant></link> allows grouping of cache entries from
          different physical connections. This is needed by PECL/mysqlnd_ms.
          <link linkend="constant.mysqlnd-qc-condition-meta-schema-pattern">
          to be used with <link linkend="function.mysqlnd-qc-set-cache-condition"><function>
      New function <link linkend="function.mysqlnd-qc-set-cache-condition"><function>
      for built-in schema pattern based caching. Likely to support a wider
      range of conditions in the future.
      Report <literal>valid_until</literal> timestamp for cache entries
      of the default handler through <function>mysqlnd_qc_get_cache_info</function>.
       Include charset number for cache entry hashing. This should prevent serving result
       sets which have the wrong charset.
       API change: get_hash_key expects new "charsetnr" (int)  parameter after "port".
       API change: changing is_select() signature from bool is_select() to
       mixed is_select(). Mixed can be  either boolean or
       array(long ttl, string server_id). This is needed by PECL/mysqlnd_ms.
      Support acting as a cache backend for
      <link linkend="book.mysqlnd-ms">PECL/mysqlnd_ms</link> 1.3.0-beta or later
      to transparently replace MySQL Replication slave reads with cache accesses,
      if the user explicitly allows.
   Bug fixes
      Fixed Bug #59959 (config.m4, wrong library - 64bit memcached handler builds) (Credits: Remi Collet)

 <section xml:id="mysqlnd-qc.changes-one-o">
  <title xmlns="http://docbook.org/ns/docbook">PECL/mysqlnd_qc 1.0 series</title>
      Release date: 12/2010
      Motto/theme: Prepared statement support
   Added support for Prepared statements and unbuffered queries.
      Release date: 07/2010
      Motto/theme: TTL-based cache with various storage options (Memcache, APC, SQLite, user-defined)
   Initial public release of the transparent TTL-based query result cache.
   Flexible storage of cached results. Various storage media supported.


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