XSL functions XSL
&reftitle.intro; The XSL extension implements the XSL standard, performing XSLT transformations using the libxslt library
&reftitle.required; This extension uses libxslt which can be found at &url.libxslt;. libxslt version 1.0.18 or greater is required.
&reftitle.constructor; - construct a new XSLTProcessor object
&reftitle.methods; - Get value of a parameter - Determine if PHP has EXSLT support - Import stylesheet - Enables the ability to use PHP functions as XSLT functions - Remove parameter - Set value for a parameter - Transform to DOMDocument - Transform to URI - Transform to XML
&reftitle.examples; Many examples in this reference require both an XML and an XSL file. We will use collection.xml and collection.xsl that contains the following: collection.xml Fight for your mind Ben Harper 1995 Electric Ladyland Jimi Hendrix 1997 ]]> collection.xsl Hey! Welcome to 's sweet CD collection!

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