ps_begin_pattern Start a new pattern &reftitle.description; intps_begin_pattern resourcepsdoc floatwidth floatheight floatxstep floatystep intpainttype Starts a new pattern. A pattern is like a page containing e.g. a drawing which can be used for filling areas. It is used like a color by calling ps_setcolor and setting the color space to pattern. &reftitle.parameters; psdoc Resource identifier of the postscript file as returned by ps_new. width The width of the pattern in pixel. height The height of the pattern in pixel. x-step The distance in pixel of placements of the pattern in horizontal direction. y-step The distance in pixel of placements of the pattern in vertical direction. painttype Must be 1 or 2. &reftitle.returnvalues; The identifier of the pattern &return.falseforfailure;. &reftitle.examples; Creating and using a pattern ]]> &reftitle.seealso; ps_end_pattern ps_setcolor ps_shading_pattern