mssql_bind Adds a parameter to a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure &reftitle.description; boolmssql_bind resourcestmt stringparam_name mixedvar inttype boolis_outputfalse boolis_nullfalse intmaxlen-1 Binds a parameter to a stored procedure or a remote stored procedure. &reftitle.parameters; stmt Statement resource, obtained with mssql_init. param_name The parameter name, as a string. You have to include the @ character, like in the T-SQL syntax. See the explanation included in mssql_execute. var The PHP variable you'll bind the MSSQL parameter to. It is passed by reference, to retrieve OUTPUT and RETVAL values after the procedure execution. type One of: SQLTEXT, SQLVARCHAR, SQLCHAR, SQLINT1, SQLINT2, SQLINT4, SQLBIT, SQLFLT4, SQLFLT8, SQLFLTN. is_output Whether the value is an OUTPUT parameter or not. If it's an OUTPUT parameter and you don't mention it, it will be treated as a normal input parameter and no error will be thrown. is_null Whether the parameter is &null; or not. Passing the &null; value as var will not do the job. maxlen Used with char/varchar values. You have to indicate the length of the data so if the parameter is a varchar(50), the type must be SQLVARCHAR and this value 50. &reftitle.returnvalues; &return.success; &reftitle.examples; <function>mssql_bind</function> example ]]> &reftitle.seealso; mssql_execute mssql_free_statement mssql_init