Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase Functions (PDO_DBLIB)MS SQL Server (PDO)
PDO_DBLIB is a driver that implements the PHP
Data Objects (PDO) interface to enable access from PHP to
Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases through the FreeTDS library.
This extension is not available anymore on Windows with PHP 5.3 or later.
On Windows, you should use SqlSrv, an alternative driver for MS SQL is
available from Microsoft: &url.sqlsrv;
If it is not possible to use SqlSrv, you can use the
PDO_ODBC driver to connect to
Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases, as the native Windows DB-LIB
is ancient, thread un-safe and no longer supported by Microsoft.
PDO_DBLIB DSNConnecting to Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases
The PDO_DBLIB Data Source Name (DSN) is composed of the following elements:
DSN prefix
The DSN prefix is sybase: if PDO_DBLIB was
linked against the Sybase ct-lib libraries,
mssql: if PDO_DBLIB was linked against the
Microsoft SQL Server libraries, or dblib: if
PDO_DBLIB was linked against the FreeTDS libraries.
The hostname on which the database server resides.
Defaults to
The name of the database.
The client character set.
The application name (used in sysprocesses).
Defaults to "PHP Generic DB-lib" or "PHP freetds".
Currently unused.
PDO_DBLIB DSN examples
The following examples show a PDO_DBLIB DSN for connecting to
Microsoft SQL Server and Sybase databases: