call_user_method Call a user method on an specific object [deprecated] Description mixedcall_user_method stringmethod_name object&obj mixedparameter mixed... The call_user_method function is deprecated as of PHP 4.1.0, use the call_user_func variety with the array(&$obj, "method_name") syntax instead. Calls the method referred by method_name from the user defined obj object. An example of usage is below, where we define a class, instantiate an object and use call_user_method to call indirectly its print_info method. NAME = $name; $this->TLD = $tld; } function print_info($prestr = "") { echo $prestr . "Country: " . $this->NAME . "\n"; echo $prestr . "Top Level Domain: " . $this->TLD . "\n"; } } $cntry = new Country("Peru", "pe"); echo "* Calling the object method directly\n"; $cntry->print_info(); echo "\n* Calling the same method indirectly\n"; call_user_method("print_info", $cntry, "\t"); ?> ]]> See also call_user_func_array, and call_user_func.