&reftitle.install; By using the configuration option you enable PHP to access MySQL databases. In PHP 4, the option is enabled by default. To disable this default behavior, you may use the configure option. Also in PHP 4, if you enable MySQL without specifying the path to the MySQL source DIR, PHP will use the bundled MySQL client libraries. In Windows, there is no DLL, it's simply built into PHP 4. Users who run other applications that use MySQL (for example, auth-mysql) should not use the bundled library, but rather specify the path to MySQL's source directory, like so: . This will force PHP to use the client libraries installed by MySQL, thus avoiding any conflicts. As of PHP 5.0.0, MySQL is no longer enabled by default, nor is the MySQL library bundled with PHP. This MySQL extension will not work with MySQL versions greater than 4.1.0. For that, use MySQLi. Crashes and startup problems of PHP may be encountered when loading this extension in conjunction with the recode extension. See the recode extension for more information. If you need charsets other than latin (default), you have to install external (not bundled) libmysql with compiled charset support.