MongoDB\BSON\toJSON Returns the JSON representation of a BSON value &reftitle.description; stringMongoDB\BSON\toJSON stringbson Converts a BSON string to its extended JSON representation. &reftitle.parameters; bson (string) BSON value to be converted. &reftitle.returnvalues; The converted JSON value. &reftitle.errors; Throws MongoDB\Driver\Exception\UnexpectedValueException if the input did not contain exactly one BSON document. Possible reasons include, but are not limited to, invalid BSON, extra data (after reading one BSON document), or an unexpected libbson error. &reftitle.examples; <function>MongoDB\BSON\toJSON</function> example new MongoDB\BSON\ObjectId('56315a7c6118fd1b920270b1')]; $bson = MongoDB\BSON\fromPHP($document); echo MongoDB\BSON\toJSON($bson), "\n"; ?> ]]> &example.outputs; &reftitle.seealso; MongoDB\BSON\fromJSON MongoDB Extended JSON MongoDB BSON